Screening for Life Services
Early detection of cancer is a key component of prevention and advanced medical care. Screening for Life provides a variety of cancer screening examinations.
The Screening for Life (SFL) Program handles the management of Centers for Disease Control funds for breast and cervical cancer screenings and Indian Health Service funds for diabetes treatment and prevention. The program also provides for non-grant covered colorectal screenings. The aim is to reduce the incidence of breast, cervical and colorectal cancers for people of the Arctic Slope by providing access to life-saving, early detection screening services like pap smears, mammograms, and colonoscopies.
The program also provides diabetes education and prevention services. SFL offers year-round breast and cervical cancer screenings and colorectal cancer screenings through scheduled colonoscopy clinics and FIT testing to the residents of Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Lay, Utqiagvik and Wainwright.
It is important for women age 21 and older to have regular pelvic exams and pap smears for the early detection of cervical cancer. Please call to schedule an appointment at 907 852 9119/9120.
Women age 40 and older should have a complete annual breast exam and mammogram for the early detection of breast cancer. Please call for an appointment at 907 852 9119/9120.
Due to the high incidence of colorectal cancer in Alaska, men and women age 50 and older (40 years old for Alaska Native people, especially those who have a family member who had been diagnosed with colorectal cancer) needs to have colon cancer screening. It is highly recommended by medical experts to have a colonoscopy. The reason being is colon cancer does not present any symptoms until it is too late for treatment. A person could feel healthy not knowing they have the cancer cells growing in their colon that may not be treatable anymore. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death in Alaska.
The SFL Colonoscopy Clinic is scheduled quarterly at the Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital.
SSMH Main Line: 907 852 4611
SFL Direct Line(s): 907 852 9119/9120
SFL Fax Number: 907 852 5882
8:30am – 12 noon, 1:00pm – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday
Closed on weekends and holidays